Marketing & PR
We offer a variety of PR- and marketing activities to new and existing customers and routes, in order to create awareness of the airline and product range in Sweden.
In addition, destination marketing is carried out to promote existing routes and destinations to the airport's catchment area.

Digital Visability
At Swedavia’s external website, with a number of 50,000 unique visitors every day, we gather all destinations that you can fly to non-stop from a specific Swedavia airport.
Sandy beaches, cosmopolitan cities or ski slopes – destination tips and images in cooperation with Arrival Guides.
Continuous information to the B2B industry network on LinkedIn; Aviation Business – Route Development, for awareness of new routes, developments and partnerships. +5,000 followers.
New routes
When new routes are established, we offer:
- PR and Press release to Swedish and international media contacts.
- Digital or classic inauguration, a potential reach of 100,000 travel interested viewers online.
- Digital screens around the airport.
Destination marketing

To support the existing routes we continuously highlight destinations and airlines organically and sponsored in our social media channels, targeted towards potential Swedish travellers.
Campaign offers promoted on airports web “Offers from our airlines”.
Social media sweepstake
Push new or existing routes. Promoted on Swedavia’s social channels and website, organically and sponsored. Tickets are offered by the airline. Conditions apply.