New security control in Terminal 5
The new security control in Terminal 5 opened at the start of summer 2023. Here, you can find information and get answers to your questions about the security control. If you're prepared once you reach the security checkpoint, the process will be faster for both yourself and other travellers.
1 September: New liquid regulations at the security control in Terminal 5.

Facts about the security control
Modern technology
The new security control has a modern technology which means that you don't have to remove your electronics and liquids from your hand baggage.
Larger areas
The new security control also have larger and more expedient areas, which we hope will give you a better experience.
FAQ about the security control
You can always go through the new security control if you fly from Terminal 5. The security control in old Terminal 4 is still open and you can also go through that one. It leads straight to Gate area C in Terminal 5. You can reach all gates in Terminal 5 from both security controls.
Please note that the technology differs in the two security controls. Read more about the rules here and follow the instructions for the control you are in line for.
As of 1 September 2024, the maximum size for containers of liquid is 100Â ml. The modern technology used at the new security control allows you to leave containers of liquid in your hand baggage. You can have an unlimited number of 100Â ml containers and they do not need to be placed in a one-litre bag.
Please note that the 100-ml rule with a one-litre bag will continue to apply at all other security controls, both at Arlanda and at Swedavia’s other airports.
Please be aware that different rules may apply at the security control at the airport you are flying back from
The modern technology used at the new security control allows you to leave liquids (maximum size for containers of liquid is 100 ml) and electronic devices in your bag when it passes through the x-ray machine. At all other security controls, both at Arlanda and at Swedavia’s other airports, you must continue to remove liquids and electronic devices from your hand baggage.
Please be aware that different rules may apply at the security control at the airport you are flying back from.
Yes. The new technology concerns the X-ray machine that your hand baggage goes through. You will still have to take off outerwear, jacket, hearwear and and metal objects as well as empty your pockets before going through the metal X-ray. Make sure to place any loose items in a safe place during the control, such as in a bag or jacket pocket.
If you're prepared once you reach the security checkpoint, the process will be faster for both yourself and other travellers.