Statement of the CEO
"Continued recovery strengthens confidence in the future"
Long distances should never be an obstacle that prevents people from meeting. Aviation connects people, brings friends and family together, and enables ideas and experiences to be shared and new insights to be gained from all corners of the world. In doing so, aviation helps to increase understanding of people from other cultures and religions like no other mode of transport, and it is no exaggeration to say that through this aviation improves the conditions for achieving an existence free from war and unrest. Aviation is quite simply vital to satisfying people’s need to meet, and when we look back on 2023, we can see that this need remains strong.
The year 2023 was marked by strong operational delivery at our airports. This is a direct result of the high level of commitment that exists within the organisation, which has also contributed to increased customer satisfaction. It is our employees who make our business possible and who achieve our
Statement of the Chair of the Board
”Swedavia’s competitiveness must be strengthened”
"Swedavia’s competitiveness must be strengthened relative to the other Nordic countries so that we can contribute to even better connectivity, in particular internationally. Achieving this, however, will take more than Swedavia, as an airport operator, doing absolutely everything we can."
"National and international policy instruments also need to be harmonised so that Swedish operators are not at a disadvantage. It may also be very important for our owner to continue to be proactive in enabling the necessary investments to be made at the right time, and we also need to return to profitability in the coming years."
Sustainable airports of the future
Swedavia develops the airports of the future and creates sustainable growth for Sweden.
Swedavia is a world leader in operating airports with the least possible environmental impact, and it will continue to be so. The company’s own airport operations have been fossil-free since 2020, and other sources of emissions at its airports, such as from ground service companies will be phased out in the years ahead through incentives and partnerships. Swedavia is driving the large-scale transition to sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), and the airports of the future are being prepared for electric aircraft, hydrogen gas and other new technology. In the fossil-free airports of the future, transport modes will be linked together to make travel easier and enable people to book their journey from door to door.

External factors and trends
Simultaneous crises around the globe
The world is suffering an increasing number of simultaneous crises, including an escalating climate crisis, political instability and a historically serious security situation. These crises impact on each other and their development is uncertain, complex and unstable. At the same time, new generations are putting their stamp on travel, consumption and working life. Parallel to this, there is exponential technological development that has great potential to improve our lives, while at the same time bringing a number of different risks. Swedavia has identified eight trends that especially affect the aviation industry and our airports.

How Swedavia creates value
We enable people to meet
Swedavia’s business revolves around three customer categories: passengers, airlines and tenants. Airport Operations and Real Estate constitute the two operating segments. Together with its customers and partners, Swedavia enables people to meet. Swedavia creates connectivity and contributes to a competitive Swedish tourism industry. This is how value is created, for customers and society as a whole.